Please note that, due to limited capacity and guidelines around the COVID-19 crisis, requests for in person events and guidance are not being considered at this time.
Know Your Rights Presentations

Our "Know Your Rights" Presentations are directed at community members who are interested in learning more about their legal rights. We cover a variety of topics including what to do if you or someone you know if approached by a police officer or immigration official, how the latest executive actions on immigration may affect you or members of your community, and a basic introduction to the United States' immigration system. These presentations are conducted by NWIRP legal staff members and are primarily offered in Spanish. You can find a list of all our upcoming Know Your Rights presentations by visiting the events page of our website.
Immigration 101 Training for Service Providers

NWIRP provides training for service providers such as teachers, healthcare professionals, domestic violence advocates, social service providers, and others who may serve the immigrant community as part of their work. These sessions answer questions that community members may have about the immigration system, immigration enforcement, and how immigration issues affect the communities they serve. Our Immigration 101 Training includes an overview of the immigration system and immigration status as well as which resources are available in the community.
Legal Orientation Presentations: Northwest Detention Center, Tacoma, WA

Individuals in immigration court have no right to an attorney if they cannot afford to pay for one. At the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, where 1,300 individuals are detained while they await immigration court, many cannot afford a private attorney.
NWIRP's Tacoma office has been able to provide limited legal assistance to tens of thousands of detainees at the Northwest Detention Center who cannot afford private legal representation. Since 2005, NWIRP has received funding through the U.S. Department of Justice to operate the Legal Orientation Program (LOP) at the facility. Through the LOP portion of their work, NWIRP's Tacoma staff provide group orientations that inform detainees about their legal rights, their legal options, and about what they can expect when they appear in court. The LOP also allows NWIRP to provide individual orientations and workshops to pro se detainees to assist with their applications for relief from deportation.